Intervista Esclusiva a Roberto Ruaro

Roberto is a citizen of Albenga and passionate photographer, Roberto Ruaro has made his art a tool to enhance and narrate the timeless beauty of his beloved land.

 Through his lens, he captures the essence of the City of Towers and Gallinara Island, immortalising them with lights and perspectives that vary from dawn to dusk.

Each of his shots is a visual tribute that celebrates the natural and historical richness of these unique places.

His photographic exhibitions and his recent book, Isolationrepresent a declaration of unconditional love for Albenga and its undisputed queen, theGallinara Island.

His art is not limited to traditional exhibition spaces: we are lucky and privileged to be able to admire some of his works directly in our flats.

Roberto Ruaro's photographs, which enrich each room, transform the rooms into true permanent exhibitions. Each image tells a story, giving guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the magic of Albenga and its island even during their stay.

His photographic exhibitions and his recent book, Isolationrepresent a declaration of unconditional love for Albenga and its undisputed queen, theGallinara Island.

In alto uno degli scatti più famosi, riprodotto in gigantografia nell’appartamento Ponente.

A sinistra, una fotografia che cattura tutta la magia del mare d’inverno: potente, avvolgente e intriso di aria salmastra, capace di rigenerare corpo e mente.


1. Come hai sviluppato la tua passione per la fotografia?

La Passione per la fotografia… direi da sempre… Non saprei indicare una data o un periodi preciso, ma sicuramente con la nascita del mio primo figlio, il desiderio di immortalare gli attimi si è intensificato.

2. What are the specific challenges in photographing the Ligurian sea and coastline?

I always try to capture the moment. My most beautiful shot came about by pure chance: I was shooting a reflection and, without realising it, I captured a completely different image from the one I had imagined... even more beautiful.

3. Hai qualche tecnica o trucco speciale per catturare la bellezza del mare e dell'Isola?

I don't follow any particular tricks. I am lucky enough to have what many call a 'photographic eye', but I cannot explain how it works. I don't spend much time on preparation: it is all very spontaneous, extemporaneous.

4. What was your most memorable photo taken in Liguria?

Two shots have remained in my heart: one of swans at sunset at the mouth of the Centa and another of a rainbow over the port of Alassio.

5. How do you balance your passion for photography with other aspects of your life?

Photography is such an important part of my life that I often shoot with my mobile phone. It is always with me and I cannot resist the urge to capture my surroundings.

6. Quali attrezzature fotografiche preferisci utilizzare per le tue foto di mare?

I use my mobile phone a lot for its convenience, but the traditional camera remains unsurpassed. Too bad it is less comfortable to carry in everyday life.

7. Do you have any advice for amateur photographers who want to explore Liguria?

Explore our beautiful region with calm and curiosity. Experience what you want to photograph: a sunset or sunrise walk by the sea always brings excitement and great satisfaction.

8. What emotions do you feel when you take pictures in these places?

One of the things I love most about photography is the ability to capture a moment and make it eternal. Years later, looking back at those images allows me to relive the emotions of that moment and see how they have evolved or transformed over time.

9. Is there a specific photographic project you are planning for the future?

Yes, I am thinking of a second photo book, but I would need a sponsor... we will see. I also have a project in the embryonic stage: a collaboration with friends who are painters, cartoonists and sculptors. We would like to create an exhibition in which we combine our arts. I will bring photos, they will bring their artistic interpretations... maybe even music.

10. Have you ever had an unusual or amusing encounter with locals during your photo sessions?

Oh, yes, there were several! One in particular still makes me smile: I was taking a picture of a landscape and there was a girl from the back who blended in perfectly with the surroundings. Only later did I realise she was a friend of mine!

Grazie, Roberto! Aspettiamo con entusiasmo il tuo secondo libro e non vediamo l’ora di scoprire dove esporrai ancora le tue opere!

2 thoughts on “Intervista esclusiva a Roberto Ruaro”

  1. Cristina Piccinini

    Each of your photos is a different emotion....with your photos you make us dream....with your photos you transport us into a magical world!
    Thank you Roberto

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